
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.96}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -c '$key="WOODBURY08F" or $key="BARTRAM2011B" or $key="VELIKOV2013A" or $key="WOODBURY08E" or 1=2' ./rw.bib}}
  key = {Bartram},
  author = {Lyn Bartram and Robert Woodbury},
  title = {{S}mart Homes or Smart Occupants? {R}eframing Computational
                   Design Models for the Green Home},
  howpublished = {AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and
                   Sustainable Design},
  month = {April},
  year = 2011,
  note = {Palo Alto, CA}
  author = {Kathy Velikov and Lyn Bartram and Geoffrey Th\"{u}n and Lyn
                   Barhydt and Johnny Rodgers and Robert Woodbury},
  booktitle = {Constructing Green},
  editors = {Rebecca Henn and Andrew Hoffman},
  title = {Empowering The Inhabitant: Communications Technologies,
                   Responsive Interfaces and Living In Sustainable Buildings},
  publisher = {MIT Press},
  year = 2013,
  pages = {171-196}
  editor = {Geoffrey Th\"un and Philip Beesley and Kathy Velikov and Robert Woodbury},
  key = {Thun},
  publisher = {Riverside Architectural Press},
  title = {Maison du Nord $|$ North House},
  year = {2008},
  annote = {\relax\par {\bfseries Abstract:}
                   \emph{This book documents the North House proposal for the 2009
                   Solar Decathlon from the pan-Canadian consortium of
                   Waterloo, Simon Fraser and Ryerson universities. In the
                   Solar Decathlon, teams of architects and engineers compete
                   to build self-sufficient houses on the National Mall in
                   Washington, D.C.}}
  editor = {Hugues Rivard and Philip Beesley and Anna Rocki and Robert Woodbury},
  key = {Rivard},
  publisher = {Riverside Architectural Press},
  title = {Maison Solaire $|$ Solar House},
  year = {2008},
  annote = {\relax\par {\bfseries Abstract:}
                   \emph{This book documents the 2007 Solar Decathlon Entry of Team
                   Montreal, a consortium of l'Ecole de technologie
                   sup\'erieure, l'Universit\'e de Montr\'eal Facult\'e de
                   l'am\'enagement, and the McGill University School of
                   Architecture. Using an integrated multidisciplinary design
                   process, the team demonstrated an efficient contemporary
                   design that responded to the challenges of the Canadian climate.}}

This file was generated by bibtex2html 1.96.