
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.96}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -c '$key="WOODBURY00E" or $key="Sheikholeslami2009" or 1=2' ./rw.bib}}
  author = {Mehdi Sheikholeslami},
  title = {{Y}ou can get more than you make},
  school = {{S}chool of {I}nteractive {A}rts and {T}echnology, {S}imon
                   {F}raser {U}niversity},
  year = 2009,
  key = {Sheikholeslami},
  type = {{M}aster's Thesis}
  address = {Worcester, Massachusetts},
  author = {Robert Woodbury and Sambit Datta and Andrew Burrow},
  annote = {editor: John Gero},
  booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence in Design 2000},
  key = {Woodbury},
  month = {June},
  organization = {Key Centre for Design Computing},
  pages = {521-544},
  publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  title = {Erasure in Design Space Exploration},
  year = 2000

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