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@inproceedings{WANG2012A, author = {Wang, Sixuan and Van Schyndel, Michael and Wainer, Gabriel and Rajus, Vinu Subashini and Woodbury, Robert}, title = {{DEVS}-based building information modeling and simulation for emergency evacuation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference}, series = {WSC '12}, year = {2012}, month = {December}, location = {Berlin, Germany}, pages = {60:1--60:12}, articleno = {60}, numpages = {12}, url = {http://dl.acm.org.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/citation.cfm?id=2429759.2429838}, acmid = {2429838}, publisher = {Winter Simulation Conference} }
@misc{WANG2012B, title = {Interactive {DEVS}-based building information modeling and simulation for emergency evacuation}, key = {Wang}, author = {Wang, Sixuan and Van Schyndel, Michael and Wainer, Gabriel and Rajus, Vinu Subashini and Woodbury, Robert}, howpublished = {Poster at 3$^{rd}$ Annual GRAND Conference, Montreal}, month = {2-4 May}, year = 2012 }
@inproceedings{WANG2013A, author = {Wang, Sixuan and Wainer, Gabriel and Rajus, Vinu Subashini and Woodbury, Robert}, title = {Occupancy analysis using building information modeling and {C}ell-{DEVS} simulation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling \& Simulation - {DEVS} Integrative M\&S Symposium}, series = {DEVS 13}, year = {2013}, isbn = {978-1-62748-032-1}, location = {San Diego, California}, pages = {26:1--26:8}, articleno = {26}, numpages = {8}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2499634.2499660}, acmid = {2499660}, publisher = {Society for Computer Simulation International}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, keywords = {BIM, Copenhagen's New Elephant House, IFC, {C}ell-{DEVS}, occupancy analysis}, abstract = {Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its open standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) are becoming popular in the design phase in the Architecture and Construction industry. Here, we focus on integrating BIM and {DEVS} (Discrete Event Systems Specification) simulation of occupancy analysis. We present a case study for Copenhagen's New Elephant House, where people can move with different direction probabilities and wait randomly when visiting in the two floors of this building. The idea is to automate to extraction of building information that can be subsequently used in a simulation. We also show how to obtain advanced 3D visualization within BIM authoring tools. This work brings designers to understand better among different building properties occupancy management and future improvement.} }
@misc{WOODBURY2013F, key = {Woodbury}, author = {Sixuan Wang and Michael VanSchyndel and Gabriel Wainer and Vinu Subashini Rajus and Robert Woodbury}, title = {Building Information Modeling, Remote Simulation and 3D Virtualization}, howpublished = {GRAND NCE Annual Conference}, month = {May}, year = 2013, abstract = {Nowadays, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is increasingly popular in Computer-aided Design (CAD) projects. BIM can benefit a lot from modeling, simulation and visualization techniques. To improve the interoperability and scalability, here we present an Integrated Scalable Simulation-based Design Framework. In our system, BIM data is represented in the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) open standard from which Domain Specific Models (DSM) may be extracted for particular simulations. The RISE Web Services to a {DEVS} (Discrete Event System Specification) simulation provides remote simulation. Then we provide an advanced 3D visualization of the simulation results with realistic models to support further decision making. We also show two case studies applying this framework for emergency evacuation and occupancy simulation. By enabling designers to extract information automatically from IFC, run simulations remotely and visualize results with 3D models, this kind of system allows designers to understand better among different properties and future improvement. } }
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